4 Quotes & Sayings By Nancy Lublin

Nancy Lublin, PhD, is a psychotherapist, co-founder of PsychAlive, and author of the book "The Culture Clash" which explores the cultural diversity that can be a challenge to families. This book has been translated into German, French, Japanese and Chinese. Nancy also hosts a weekly radio show called "A Psychologist's View" on Sirius XM Radio.

I run a charity. If my name pops up in your call ID, chances are I'm about to ask you for something - money, free ad space, your first born. So it is probably no surprise that people often don't take my calls. Nancy Lublin
Do-gooders are easily overlooked. We're supposed to be soft, touchy-feely types, who wear Birkenstocks, compost everything, and write poetry by candlelight. Nancy Lublin
Social change isn't something you should do just to help pad a resume. Follow your passion. Nancy Lublin